I feel like I have or had something similar but I can't put my finger on it. I really need to get my nail wheels done, meaning I need to get to Sally's and buy a few sets of nail wheels and paint them, or I was going to do nail sticks. Hmm...
Back to Sally Hansen's Big Money!
It's has tiny gold glitter and larger pink glitter pieces. Oh so shiny! I started out with one coat of Zoya Pandora followed by one coat of Big Money. This glitter is so opaque that you would only need 2 coats to cover the nail completely. I also have 2 coats of Seche on top.
So yesterday was my little one's 2nd birthday. I actually got reminder call from my sister yesterday morning. lol It completely slipped my mine or was I subconsciously denying it's existence? Yes, that's it exactly. This mama is so sad to see them all grow up so fast!
We are actually celebrating his birthday in a couple of weeks while my husband is away for work. Whenever he is away it is like Ground Hog day, all the days mesh into one so it didn't even occur to me that yesterday wasn't just any other day!
Quickly I made some pancakes with sprinkles and chocolate chips and we sang happy birthday followed by a very exciting trip to where else? Chuck e Cheese! I actually detest that place, but hey, the kids love it! They really need to get some better prizes though. Look at all those tickets!
I worked my a#$ off at the balloon popping game (hahahaha!) to get a couple hundred tickets only to come home with a twizzler, a pseudo makeup kit and some weird piece of paper that cost 20 tickets. Great picks. Go us!
Love that nail polish so so pretty.
It really is! I love it. I would have completely passed it over if it wasn't sitting all alone. lol