Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vitamin E Oil

This is my secrete weapon against fine lines around my eyes.  I swear by it.  I'm in my early 30's now and I have less fine lines than I did in college.  Back then, I remember loading up on this $30 Neutrogena eye cream with retinol.  I looked in the mirror one day and discovered wrinkles around my eyes, not fine lines, but deep set lines.  I have forgotten now the name and I'm not sure if they still make the exact same product.  But it was very expensive especially on a college budget.  My lifestyle back then was of course no sleep due to studying, waitressing and going out.  My diet consisted of pizza and restaurant food, can you say salt?  I worked out a little but I barely drank water, probably mostly sports drinks.  I didn't know it at the time, but my skin was so dehydrated, I was aging myself rapidly.

What I like to use now, a decade later is Vitamin E oil around my eyes while I'm using a mask.  I picked up a bottle of Vitamin E oil when my daughter had stitches removed from her upper eye.  I put the oil on her eye every night before bed.  Her scar is barely noticeable and should be nearly invisible when she is older.  I happened to be reading the back of the label one night and decided to put it under my eyes.  I'll admit, it is a bit sticky for overnight use and not something you could put on under makeup.    But while the mask is drying, the oil absorbs and penetrates the delicate skin around the eye.  When the mask is dry, I wash everything off with a soft towel.

Vitamin E can also be used for cold sores, scars, including acne scars and even stretch marks.  The oil comes in a variety of strengths.  You can always contact a dermatologist to find out what is the best for you.  Especially if your skin is sensitive and prone to adverse reactions, you should always contact an expert and seek out their advice before trying anything new on your skin.  Just a quick public service announcement!

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